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ANCIENT Trading SECRET. Warning After implementing the strategies contained in this e-book people may think you have insider trading. A trading reality so revolutionary that you are required to sign a non-disclosure agreement before you can get your hands on this information. Dear friend Every single Master Trader, past and present has somehow found the secret I am about to share with you either consciously or unconsciously Listen very carefully As astounding as it may seem t here is the figure of a man on every financial chart, and all markets move according to the biomechanics of a walking human. NOTE There is no difference between stocks and forex All markets are subject to the same laws and react exactly the same Futures, commodities and anything else who s motion can be plotted on a chart graph. Think about this - if you are using the same tired techniques everyone else is using then you can naturally expect the same results - wouldn t you agree.30 MINUTES A DAY. NO COMPLEX MATHEMATICS. This is not a Gann system It is not a Stock system, a Forex system or Futures system etc It is the system of the universe which can be applied to trading any market You will know without doubt. When to enter a trade. When to sit on the sidelines most important. Where to place your stop so it doesn t get hit. When to take profits. When to exit the trade. When to add to your position. How to compound your winning trades to financial independence. The system works for all markets and if you had a chart of the weather you would even see the man on that chart too. This fully illustrated, 150 page trading manual is easy to understand Illustrations are important If you can see it you can conceive it. 80 profitable trades. Profitable in all markets and for day, swing, and end of day trading. No expensive charting software to buy. THE LAWS OF CHARTS AND MEN, is a proprietary trend reversal system to detect turning points in the market When trends are exhausted they then to correct in 3 -7 days to the opposite direction We take advantage of those turning points by entering the market and taking profits. The signal generation is 100 objective and mechanical You won t depend on analyst opinions, beliefs, tips, or visions. This is not some book that explains the history of the markets and my life story This is a trading manual This book is not for the common man Only if you have the vision to see through the matrix will you have need of the mind blowing information So, human drones will have no need for this information. So take the red pill and wake up to the trading matrix or take the blue pill and go back to Kansas. You have never seen anything like this anywhere. This is a bearish pivot reversal The floor is your target Above his head is your stop His center of gravity is your entry point the pivot point Once his cen ter of gravity has shifted he must fall. Once you absorb this material you will understand why the ancients felt that man was made in the image of god This system is based on the universal laws of nature. All you have to do is analyze the chart for whichever market you are trading for 30 minutes a day at the end of the trading day Yes, you can make money trading and still have a life. If you have been trading any length of time I bet you have noticed. Whenever you enter a trade the market immediately goes against you as if someone was looking over your shoulder trading against you Well, someone is and you will be shocked to find out who. They are called operators. Whenever your stop - loss gets hit, the market will reverse and go in your original direction That s called a shake out. Whenever a news announcement occurs the market moves against traders expectations before moving in the direction of expectations It s called a head fake. Do you know who the target is for shake outs and head fakes It is you The small retail investor and you are called a weak hand. THE MAN ON THE CHARTS WILL LEVEL THE PLAYING FIELD EVEN OPERATORS ARE SUBJECT TO THE LAWS OF NATURE. Markets have a structure and it is the structure of a man Can a man rise from this posture in the illustration below Of course not and neither can a market. He cannot because he has no balance What if you could see any market like this You see, markets are also subject to balance Have you ever heard of the balance of supply and demand I bet you have in Economics 101.There are three elements of market motion These three universal laws apply to everything in motion. This trading manual is full of illustrations like the ones you see above.


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